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A Landmark Decision

Greece Makes Serious Animal Abuse a Crime

The Greek Parliament on Thursday unanimously passed a new law that makes serious animal abuse a crime. The law, which was passed after years of campaigning by animal rights groups, defines serious animal abuse as any act that causes serious injury or death to an animal. It also includes cases of neglect and abandonment.

A Landmark Decision

The new law is a landmark decision for Greece, which has one of the largest stray animal populations in Europe. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile cases of animal abuse in Greece, including the poisoning of stray dogs and the beating of cats.

The new law is expected to deter animal abuse and help to protect animals from suffering. It is also a sign that Greece is taking the issue of animal welfare seriously.

A Long Way to Go

While the new law is a step in the right direction, there is still more work to be done in Greece to address the issue of animal abuse. The country has one of the highest rates of animal abandonment in Europe, and there are still many cases of animals being mistreated or neglected.

However, the new law is a positive sign that Greece is moving in the right direction. It is hoped that the law will help to reduce animal abuse and make Greece a more compassionate country for animals.

The Greek Parliament's unanimous decision to make serious animal abuse a crime is a significant step forward for animal welfare in Greece. It is a sign that the country is taking the issue of animal abuse seriously and is committed to protecting animals from suffering. The new law is expected to deter animal abuse and help to make Greece a more compassionate country for animals.
